Now matters.

Now matters.

Every second counts. I ask myself often if I’m spending my time on things of worth. As a wife, am I encouraging Boyfriend-Who-Is-My-Husband to become all he can while loving him as he is? (Check. That one’s easy. But I could do more.) As a mom, do I treasure every moment with my kiddos and […]

What is Family?

What is Family?

After a whirlwind week spent traveling to Budapest, testing kiddos and connecting with old and new friends, and traveling home from Budapest, I was beat. (But not conquered). Then I had a whirling dervish of a visit with my parents and my big sister before I sent off my two eldest. Our time together was […]

Motherhood is Ministry.

Motherhood is Ministry.

My plane. My children and BWIMH. My heart. My plane is parked on a rain-slicked tarmac as the pilot waits . . . and waits . . . for permission to take off. My children and Boyfriend-Who-is-My-Husband are back at home by now, taking a unified stab at life-without-Mom. They’ll do well, but it will […]

Broken Beyond Repair?

Broken Beyond Repair?

Someone once said I live a charmed life. I’m not sure, even now, how to respond to that except to laugh. It’s not a bitter laugh, but it would’ve been once upon a time. My childhood bordered on blissful, if you discount the fact that I’ve always been hard-headed. I was loved fully and unconditionally, […]

My Life As a Missionary

My Life As a Missionary

For me, missions was the ultimate bait and switch. God didn’t bait me; He called me. I, unfortunately, have to own up to baiting myself. My own deliriously wrong expectations of Life-as-a-Missionary were the culprits. I think this happens often. God is clear in His design, in His plan. And we precious, finite humans figure […]