Moderation in Real Life

Moderation in Real Life

I allow myself to be consumed too often. Oh, sometimes it’s homeschooling my four treasures—reading, coaching the grueling revision process, praying while some labor over math. Sometimes it’s writing—revising my first novel, finishing my second, researching future ventures. This month, it’s more often been menu-planning and cooking. It’s the word consumed that is the glaring […]

Open Minds

Open Minds

If I could lock myself away somewhere for a day—to spend it in any way that I like—the day would involve three things: fresh dark-roasted coffee, a cozy place to curl up, and an excellent book. Now, I don’t generally get those days. And even when I do have miraculously little to get done, I […]

A Little Perspective

A Little Perspective

I have nothing to add to this humbling encouragement. Paul David Tripp, in his book, How People Change, writes: “We have been chosen from the mass of humanity to live in an intimate union with Christ. It is amazing even to be tolerated by God. It would be an honor simply to be invited to […]

Flat on my Back and Learning

Flat on my Back and Learning

It was the epitome of slapstick. Oh, how I wish I’d been watching rather than playing a starring role. In the kitchen, Smalls edged away from Short Son, and the back of his thighs hit the 32 cup steel bowl we fill with water for our dog. It all happened at once. Smalls folded up […]

July 4th in America: Through Short Son’s Eyes

July 4th in America: Through Short Son’s Eyes

Our family spent time preparing for a true celebration of Independence Day. We’ve all been studying the Declaration of Independence and the character and integrity of our nation’s Founding Fathers. What a rich heritage. Today, we spent time in prayer, thanking God–not only for the men who gave their lives to secure the liberty we […]