CzechMate: Missions, Mystery, and a Mother’s Heart

CzechMate: Missions, Mystery, and a Mother’s Heart

Today, I welcome Felica Bridges to the Mosaic. She’s adding a beautiful shade of red and lifeblood to the picture. Missions is never easy, but she’s learned (learning maybe?) to let go as her daughter follows the call. And it’s inspired books! So it’s really a win-win. CzechMate is available for purchase wherever fine books […]

Aw, YEAH. Winners and Wisdom

Aw, YEAH. Winners and Wisdom

Aw, yeah. We have a winner for both Mary Weber’s signed copy of Siren’s Fury and a signed copy of Jess Evander’s Saving Yesterday.  But first, a quick lesson. Awe, aw, ah, and aah! Awe, as a noun, means a humility-inducing dread, deep honor, or wonder at something or someone. When I study the immensity of the universe, awe fills […]

Worlds Without Limits: In Which Serena Chase Tells Why She Reads (and Write) Speculative Fiction

Serena Chase, you guys. This woman’s reimagining of the Snow White and Rose Red fairy tale is breathtaking. I haven’t yet read her recrafting of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, but, oh, I intend to. Her storyworld is captivating and…I’d love to get lost in it. She’s a regular contributor to USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog, and […]