Speculative Fiction: Dystopian

‘Ello loves. Today we get to talk with one of my (Erynn’s) crit partners. She also happens to be the best Deep POV writer and just one of the coolest people I know. Her series, Haven Seekers, is set in a dystopian future that is frighteningly similar to our own world. Well, why don’t I just […]

Speculative Fiction: Sci-Fi

Speculative Fiction: Sci-Fi

Autumn Kalquist is the best-selling author of the Fractured Era series, and today she’s going to tell you a little about building a world…in space. To read more about the Sci-Fi side of speculative fiction, follow me to A Little Red Ink.

Spelunking Speculative Fiction: Fantasy

Spelunking Speculative Fiction: Fantasy

Speculative Fiction. That’s a broad term, baby. It’s cavernous. Let’s explore it, map it out just enough to be amazed. Its scope is enormous. Spec-fic includes sci-fi elements but still falls outside the genre. Throw in your futuristic gadgets, new species and races, monsters, magical abilities, and you’re getting somewhere. Rife with peril and possibility, virtue […]